2023 Pesticide Collection Program

This program is for the disposal of unwanted and outdated pesticides currently stored by agricultural producers, licensed pesticide businesses, certified applicators, golf courses and homeowners.
Pesticides will be collected on October 3rd from 9 a.m. to 1 pm at
Nutrien Ag Fertilizer Warehouse at 204 South Lunenburg Avenue, South Hill VA.
If you have unwanted agricultural pesticides, commercial pesticides, homeowner pesticides, weed and feed, pesticide dilutions, you may bring them to the collection site to be properly disposed of on October 3rd. However, you MUST complete and return a registration form to Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to participate in this program. The form is available at the Mecklenburg Extension Office or by visiting https://www.vdacs.virginia.gov/pesticide-collection.shtml . Registration form needs to be returned to VDACS 30 days prior to the collection event.
For more information, contact Taylor Clarke, Extension Agent, at 434-637-2683 or cclarke@vt.edu.